Our Policies
Student policies
Selecting a course
We run courses at all levels of the CEFR as well as Academic and Business English courses, so our courses are suitable for everybody. For further information, please see our course descriptions at: www.king-stage.com
All students are given a placement test on their first day at King Stage. Depending on the result of this test, we may suggest changes to your course. At all times we will try to offer the course that you have requested.
Admissions and Enrolment Procedures
Online booking
Potential students can complete and submit our online enrolment form; our Office Manager will then reply, requesting further information if necessary, and send an invoice detailing payment options. The online enrolment form is available on our website at: www.king-stage.com/admission
By email
Potential students can email their requests to our Office Manager. Our contact detail is: info@king-stage.com and can be found at www.king-stage.com
Walk-in Students/Client
If a potential student, or if a friend, family member, clients or other representative is in London, they may come into King Stage to discuss enrolment. We are open from 09:00 – 17:30 Monday to Friday from. Please note, we reserve the right to refuse enrolment. In such cases, we will give a full explanation for our action.
First Day Schedule
09:30 Registration
09:45 Testing
10:45 Break
11:15 Welcome and induction from the Principal/Students receive their timetables and course books Cost of course materials
Potential students must supply us with the following information when enrolling at King Stage Learning Centre:
1. Full name (as written on passport/EU National ID).
2. Date of Birth.
3. Home address.
4. Passport/EU National ID number. -
Payment must be received in full before the scheduled start date of the course (unless agreed otherwise) to secure your booking. For details on cancellations and refunds, please see below.
Potential students who are from countries outside of the EEA may need a visa to study in the UK. For more information on visa procedures, please see: www.gov.uk/study-visit-visa
Cancelling or changing your course
King Stage Learning Centre will ensure that all staff and students are aware of the behavioural expectations when attending or working at King Stage Learning Centre and its associated activities.
- Emotional – being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting.
- Physical – pushing, kicking, hitting or any use of violence, damage to personal property.
- Racist – racial taunts, gestures.
- Sexual – unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments.
- Homophobic – because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality.
- Discriminatory – about disability, gender, age or other differences.
- Verbal – name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing.
- Cyber – all areas of internet, such as email and internet chat room issues.
- Mobile – threats by text messaging and calls.
- Misuse of associated technology e.g. Camera and video facilities.
Harassment is defined as any unwanted conduct related to race, age, etc that has the purpose or effect of either:
- Violating the dignity of an individual.
- Creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive atmosphere for an individual.
If a student feels uncomfortable with the way someone is treating them, please encourage them to talk to the Academic Manager.
- It may be that they are talking to the student in a way that upsets him/her.
- It may be that another student is rudely expressing strong racial, religious or sexual opinions, which the student disagrees with.
- It may be that they are physically hurting the student or doing other things which hurt them.
- Stay calm.
- Listen, hear and believe.
- Give the person time to say what they want.
- Reassure the student they have done the right thing in telling you.
- Explain that only professionals who need to know will be informed.
- Record in writing what was said, as soon as possible.
- Report to a director.
If bullying/harassment Is suspected of taking place by/towards a member of staff.
- Please speak to the director. The director will decide the appropriate course of action.
- In all proven situations of bullying and harassment involving staff, the director will apply the Staff Disciplinary/Grievance Procedures. The action taken will depend on the seriousness of the situation. If there is the possibility of some form of reconciliation and subject to the agreement of the victim, the following steps may be taken:
- When appropriate and with director, explain to the person acting unkindly that their actions are unacceptable and tell them the effect it has had on another/others.
- Ask them to consider an appropriate way of putting things right and, if necessary support them in carrying out an apology.
- Ensure that any apology/reconciliation is done with a director present so that it can be accurately recorded.
- Alternatively, bring both parties (bully and bullied) together for a “no blame” meeting. The aim is to clarify the situation through discussion and allow both sides to work out a solution that is satisfactory to them both. This will be recorded and signed by a school director.
- If, after this meeting, the bullying continues then it must be seen as deliberate act. The Academic manager will take immediate action to protect the bullied person and will begin procedures to restrict the activities of the bully.
- In the case of staff, any further incidents of bullying by the same person the disciplinary procedure will be implemented, which may result in dismissal.
Any incidents are recorded on the student administration system or/and on the personal record of the staff member.
At King Stage Learning Centre, we undertake to use digital images and film in a responsible and appropriate way in King Stage publicity materials, including social media sites.
We respect students’ rights of privacy (and the rights of parents/guardians of U18s) and we are aware of potential safe-guarding and child protection issues. King Stage therefore makes every reasonable effort to minimise risk by following the guidelines detailed in this policy and by obtaining the students’ consent (and for U18s, parental consent) for the use of images and film.
Images (photographs) and film of people studying/working at King Stage brings real-life interest to publicity materials and social media sites, promoting King Stage and its activities.
Making use of images/film for publicity materials and to promote King Stage in the media
- Provides a snapshot of life at King Stage for future students, their families and agent partners.
- Increases student motivation by creating and cementing connections between students.
- Helps former students continue enjoying being part of King Stage community also enjoys student-generated positive publicity, in the form of images and film.
King Stage will:
- Ensure that images/film are stored on a secure network to which members of the public have no access.
- Ensure that images/film are only used by those authorised to do so.
- Obtain parental/guardian consent for the use of images/film of u18s. (parental/guardian consent form) however we do not offer teaching to under 18 students.
- Clearly describe how images/film may be used (king stage terms and conditions).
- Obtain the consent of staff (staff handbook).
- Remind students of appropriate use of images/film.
Safe-guarding and child protection
Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR)
Where images are taken at an event attended by large crowds, this is regarded as a public area so it is not necessary to get permission of everyone in a crowd shot. The Data Protection Act does not apply to images or film taken for personal use by family and friends.
- General Principles of Complaints
1.2 These key messages deal with complaints but the underlying principle is that concerns ought to be handled, if at all possible, without the need for formal procedures. The requirement to have a com- plaints procedure need not in any way undermine e orts to resolve the concern informally. In most cases the class teacher or the individual delivering the service will receive the rst approach. It would be helpful if staff were able to resolve issues on the spot, including apologising where necessary.
1.4 The organization might wish to nominate a member of staff to have responsibility for the operation and management of the school complaints procedure.
- Encourage resolution of problems by informal means wherever possible.
- Be easily accessible and publicized.
- Be simple to understand and use.
- Be impartial.
- Be non-adversarial.
- Allow swift handling with established time-limits for action and keeping people informed of the progress.
- Ensure a full and fair investigation by an independent person where necessary.
- Respect people’s desire for confidentiality.
- Address all the points at issue and provide an effective response and appropriate redress, where necessary.
- Provide information to the organization’s senior management team so that services can be improved.
- Establish what has happened so far, and who has been involved.
- Clarify the nature of the complaint and what remains unresolved.
- Meet with the complainant or contact them (if unsure or further information is necessary).
- Clarify what the complainant feels would put things right.
- Interview those involved in the matter and/or those complained of, allowing them to be accompanied if they wish.
- Conduct the interview with an open mind and be prepared to persist in the questioning.
- Keep notes of the interview.
- An apology.
- An explanation.
- An admission that the situation could have been handled differently or better.
- An assurance that the event complained of will not recur.
- An explanation of the steps that have been taken to ensure that it will not happen again.
- An undertaking to review organizations policies in light of the complaint.
1.9 An effective procedure will identify areas of agreement between the parties. It is also of equal importance to clarify any misunderstandings that might have occurred as this can create a positive atmosphere in which to discuss any outstanding issues.
- The Formal Complaints Procedure
- Stage one: complaint heard by staff member (though not the subject of the complaint).
- Stage two: complaint heard by Academic Manager.
- Managing and Recording Complaints
3.2 The complaints co-ordinator will be responsible for the records and hold them centrally.
3.4 As well as addressing an individual’s complaints, the process of listening to, and resolving complaints will contribute to King Stage improvement. When individual complaints are heard, King Stage may identify underlying issues that need to be addressed. The monitoring and review of complaints by the King Stage director and academic manager can be a useful tool in evaluating a school’s performance.
You can download the pdf complaints form here.
General policies
Selecting a course
We run courses at all levels of the CEFR as well as Academic and Business English courses, so our courses are suitable for everybody. For further information, please see our course descriptions at: www.king-stage.com
All students are given a placement test on their first day at King Stage. Depending on the result of this test, we may suggest changes to your course. At all times we will try to offer the course that you have requested.
Admissions and Enrolment Procedures
Online booking
Potential students can complete and submit our online enrolment form; our Office Manager will then reply, requesting further information if necessary, and send an invoice detailing payment options. The online enrolment form is available on our website at: www.king-stage.com/admission
By email
Potential students can email their requests to our Office Manager. Our contact detail is: info@king-stage.com and can be found at www.king-stage.com
Walk-in Students/Client
If a potential student, or if a friend, family member, clients or other representative is in London, they may come into King Stage to discuss enrolment. We are open from 09:00 – 17:30 Monday to Friday from. Please note, we reserve the right to refuse enrolment. In such cases, we will give a full explanation for our action.
First Day Schedule
09:30 Registration
09:45 Testing
10:45 Break
11:15 Welcome and induction from the Principal/Students receive their timetables and course books Cost of course materials
Potential students must supply us with the following information when enrolling at King Stage Learning Centre:
1. Full name (as written on passport/EU National ID).
2. Date of Birth.
3. Home address.
4. Passport/EU National ID number. -
Payment must be received in full before the scheduled start date of the course (unless agreed otherwise) to secure your booking. For details on cancellations and refunds, please see below.
Potential students who are from countries outside of the EEA may need a visa to study in the UK. For more information on visa procedures, please see: www.gov.uk/study-visit-visa
Cancelling or changing your course
- Staff management
- Student administration
- Quality assurance
- Publicity
- Premises and facilities
- Learning resources
- Academic staff profile
- Academic management
- Course design
- Learner management
- Teaching
- Care of students
- Leisure opportunities
External audit – accreditations and memberships
Internal audit – feedback
- At King Stage Learning Centre our objective is to ensure that all our services meet or exceed the
Feedback is discussed at management meetings and academic meetings and informs King Stage’s policy and decision-making at all levels of the organisation. Feedback mechanisms include: Class Planning Sessions
- The class teacher asks for feedback and suggestions during the Friday planning session in class, at the end of the week, in the self-assessment of learning outcomes.
Feedback from Staff
- Staff continuously provide feedback on services offered by King Stage during informal discussions, academic meetings, planning meetings and other interactions with directors and support staff.
- King Stage formally requests feedback from staff on services offered in their annual appraisal. This is actioned and recorded and held in their personal staff folder.
- King Stage also requests feedback from staff who leave.
- Teachers complete periodic self-evaluations on courses and classes that they teach. This is self-initiated, discussed with the Academic Manager, and held in their personal staff folder.
- Appropriate recruitment, selection and training of staff are fundamental procedures for quality assurance.
- We aim to provide detailed and accurate information on www.king-stage.com and advise clients on suitable courses and associated student services.
- The online information supplements King Stage brochure, which contains similar but reduced content and is a source to which enquirers may be directed for further details. King Stage brochure, which includes dates and fees for the current year, is available to download from the website.
- We acknowledge all website enquiries immediately and respond within two working days. During office hours, we respond to phone enquiries immediately. Where questions require further investigation we provide a clear timeframe to the enquirer as to when they can expect a response.
- We provide clear points of contact on our website, identifying who has different areas of responsibility. All letters and emails are personally signed and give direct contact details. We strive to deal with all enquiries with integrity and professionalism.
- We communicate to all our customers in English and never assume they have background knowledge in relation to any query.
- Our Main Reception Office staff are available to answer any questions they may have from 09.00 – 17.30 Monday –Fridays UK time.
- Students occasionally message King Stage using Facebook. These enquiries are responded to very promptly.
- We also provide detailed information about King Stage and life in London/the Student Welcome Pack Welcome Meeting on the student’s first day.
We collect information from the following data subjects:
- Students and their next-of-kin (emergency contacts)
- Teaching and support staff
- Agents/representatives
We collect different types of personal information for six main reasons:
- To help students and partners to enrol for our courses and send them the information they need to attend
- To make sure that we are fulfilling our legal obligations
- To help us to monitor and improve the services we offer
- To keep students up-to-date about the courses they have enrolled for, or services they have bought
- To fulfil contracted services
- If we have permission from the user, to market courses and services to them.
Our Privacy Promise
- We will make sure that we have appropriate data security measures in place, and we require any other organisation we work with to provide a service that meets the same standard.
- We will respect privacy. Students and agents will only receive marketing emails from us, if they agree. We will give them a clear choice about this.
- When we ask for information, we will explain why we are collecting it and how we are going to use it.
- We will collect and use personal information only if we have permission or we need to collect enough information to process a student’s enrolment or engage a member of staff.
- We will minimise the amount of information we ask for to what we need to deliver the services/realise a contract.
- We will use personal information only for the purposes for which it was originally collected.
- If a data subject would like to us to check, change or erase their data, they may do so at any time, by contacting info@king-stage.com.
What information do we collect and how do we use it?
- Students enrolment for a course
- Agent representatives working with us
- recruitment of teaching or support staff
- Cookies on our website
What legal bases do we use for processing data?
- Consent
- Contract
- Vital Interest
- Legal Obligation
- Legitimate Interest
How long do you keep data?
- We aim to provide detailed and accurate information on www.king-stage.com and advise clients on suitable courses and associated student services.
- The online information supplements King Stage brochure, which contains similar but reduced content and is a source to which enquirers may be directed for further details. King Stage brochure, which includes dates and fees for the current year, is available to download from the website.
What information do you need when students enrol for a course?
The minimum information we need from students to enrol for a course is:
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Nationality and first language
- Address
- Mobile phone
- Gender
- Job/course of study
- Emergency contact details (name, relationship to student, address, mobile phone, email, level of english).
What information do you need when you engage teaching staff or support staff?
The minimum information we need is:
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Nationality and first language
- Address
- Mobile phone
- Gender
- Passport details (or alternative id, such as driving licence)
- Bank account details
- National insurance number
- DBS number
- Degree and teaching qualification details
- Reference details (name, relationship, email, mobile phone)
What information do you need when you work with agents/representatives?
The minimum information we need is:
- Full name
- Organisation name (where relevant)
- Address
- Mobile phone
- Bank account details (where relevant)
What anonymous statistical data do you keep?
In addition to any personal data, we collect statistics from our website, so we can monitor how people use it, and so we can develop our services. These statistics do not include information that can be used to identify an individual.
How can I check, correct, limit or erase use of my information?
You can check, correct, instruct us to limit or erase any personal information we might hold about you. You can also ask us to provide all the information we hold on you.
To do this, you should send your request to:
Unit 8 Greenwich Quay – London SE8 3EY
T: +44 20 8694 6165
We promise to action your request within 30 days.
If you are not satisfied with the way your request was handled, you have the right to make a complaint with the Director of King Stage by email at
Who do you share my data with?
We may share your personal information in response to government requests, to operate our systems properly and to protect both us and our users.
Any other organisations who have access to personal information while providing services on our behalf will be governed by strict contractual restrictions to make sure that they protect your information and keep to data protection and privacy laws which apply (see above legal bases for collecting and holding data).
We may also independently audit these service providers to make sure that they meet our standards.
How we protect your information
Cookies are small pieces of data placed on visitors’ computers by websites they visit. Almost all of these contain no personal information about the visitor. In fact, many are used to provide a visitor requested service, such as maintaining the session of a logged-in user.
The cookies currently used with king-stage.com are detailed below.
Google Analytics cookies (__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz)
These first-party cookies are used for anonymously tracking visits to our website. No personally identifiable information is ever stored and the data is not shared with other domains. We use Google Analytics on our sites for anonymous reporting of our website usage. If you would like to opt-out of Google Analytics monitoring your behaviour on our website, please use this link https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Preference cookie (accept_cookies_en)
This first party cookie contains only the word “yes” and flags your acceptance of cookies on our website in general (as indicated by your continued use of king-stage.com). This cookie is set when you first visit our site and its presence simply stops our cookie advisory message from being triggered every time you visit thereafter. It has no other purpose.
For statistical purposes to track how many users we have and how often they visit our website. We collect information listing which of our pages are most frequently visited, and by which types of users and from which countries.
For more information about cookies and managing them, including how to turn them off, please visit please see www.allaboutcookies.org By using our website, you are agreeing to the use of cookies as described above. Changes to the privacy policy if we make changes to our Privacy Policy we will show you what they are here. If these changes are significant, we may also email relevant people with new details. If we are required by law, we will obtain your consent to make these changes.
Major incidents include:
- A transport accident involving the death/serious injury of a student or member of staff.
- A serious incident in the community witnessed or experienced by students or staff.
- An incident attracting major media attention.
- A violent incident in king stage learning centre, including those involving intruder(s).
- A disaster, such as fire or flood.
- Civil disturbance or terrorism.
- A hostage situation.
On-site Emergency Procedure
The Director will take charge: Kady Doumbia
If necessary, call the Emergency Services Fire, Ambulance, Police 112 or 999
- Your name and the name of King Stage.
- Your mobile phone number and King Stage number
- Your location
- Type of emergency
- Number of injured
- And action taken so far
Fire/Emergency Evacuation Procedure
- Class Register and On-site Emergency Procedure
- A means of recording events/actions – what/who/where/when (smartphone or pen and paper)
- Charged mobile phone and first aid kit
Guidance for King Stage Learning Centre directors following a major on-site incident
Operations at the Main office Centre will include:
Communication with emergency services, students, staff and media.
Communication with the emergency services
Communication with students
King Stage Learning Centre director will provide information, reassurance and advice to students and will:
- Try to establish contact with each student and if uninjured/affected, advise short. phone call/message to their emergency contact to say: ‘I’m safe’.
- Update students on the emergency and how it will affect them and the course.
- Arrange briefing meetings if appropriate.
Communication with the Media
King Stage Learning Centre director will:
- Deal with the media and ensure that all staff are aware of this arrangement. There will be pressure from the media wishing to talk to those directly involved.
- Brief reception staff on known facts and information which can be released.
- Prepare short statements including emergency contact details, which can be posted on king stage learning centre website, facebook page and twitter feed, manage and acknowledge responses.
- Prepare answerphone message.
Advice for communication with the media
- Stick to the facts or say ‘I don’t know’.
- Be sympathetic: “Our thoughts are with etc …”
- Do not speculate or apportion blame.
- Remember that interpretation or understanding may be exaggerated or quoted as hard fact.
- Try to avoid “no comment” – unless the question relates to legal/criminal matters. It can be taken as an unhelpful, negative answer as in “refused to comment”.
- Do not be afraid to say “I don’t know”.
- Try to obtain an answer for a later response.
- Tell the truth.
- Be confident, positive and helpful towards the media.
- be informed – make sure that you know as much as possible in order to answer questions such as:
- What happened, when and where?
- Are there any injuries or fatalities?
- How many students/staff were present when the incident happened?
- Has everyone been accounted for?
- What action is being taken?
- What advice do you have for next of kin/local residents?
- When will normality be restored?
Operations at the Main office Centre will also include:
- Making arrangements for support, food and water for students/staff.
- Establishing reception facilities at King Stage.
- Managing activities of the Crisis Team and bringing in extra support as necessary.
- Real-time written log of events/actions and responses (what/who/where/when), accident reports.
- Obtaining legal advice.
Guidance for King Stage Learning Centre directors in the aftermath of a major incident
- The director should consider what may have been lost – not only lives but also resources, coursework, personal property, relationships.
- Hospital visits, contact with families of the injured and bereaved, including funeral protocols should be arranged with appropriate sensitivity.
- Spontaneous memorials/planned memorials/anniversaries and remembrances should be well-managed.
- Account should be taken of students/staff involved/affected by the incident as they may experience long lasting distress.
- Re-entry to King Stage of injured students/staff should be handled with care and sensitivity.
Emergency contact details:
King Stage Learning Centre is committed to making sure that the privacy and personal information of our data subjects (students, staff and service providers) is protected. The protection of privacy and personal information is important to us.
This Personal Information and Data Protection Policy describes how we respond to data subject access requests and breaches of personal data.
Our separate Data Privacy Statement describes how we take responsibility for the data in our care and the fair information practices that we apply to the use of data at King Stage Learning Centre. It explains what information we collect, how we use this information, how our data subjects can tell us if they prefer to limit the use of their information, and the procedures that we have in place to safeguard their privacy. Our Social Media Policy describes how we undertake to use digital images and film in a responsible and appropriate way.
Our Personal Information and Data Protection Policy and Data Privacy Statement have been developed to comply with the General Data Protection Act (GDPR) 2018.
King Stage Learning Centre is Controller of the data we collect, and Processor of the data we receive.
The Principles
- Fairly and lawfully processed
- Processed for a lawful purpose
- Adequate, relevant and not excessive
- Accurate and up to date
- Not kept for longer than necessary
- Processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights
- Secure
- Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection
Personal Data
Personal data covers both facts and opinions about an individual where that data identifies an individual. For example, it includes information necessary for employment such as the member of staff’s name and address and details for payment of salary or a pupil’s attendance record and test results. Personal data may also include sensitive personal data as defined in the Act.
Processing of Personal Data
Pupils consent to process their data and disclose it to parents is implicit when they reach the age of 18. If a pupil wishes to revoke or change consent they must agree a specific agreement on how their data is to be processed with the data processor.
Sensitive Personal Data
King Stage may, from time to time, be required to process sensitive personal data. Sensitive personal data includes data relating to medical information, gender, religion, race, sexual orientation, trade union membership and criminal records and proceedings.
- National security and the prevention or detection of crime
- The assessment of any tax or duty
- Where the processing is necessary to exercise a right or obligation conferred or imposed by law upon King Stage, including Safeguarding and prevention of terrorism and radicalisation.
Data Security
Secure Destruction
Retention of Data
Personal Data Request
Notification of Personal Data Breaches
- Provide the Information King Stage’s Administrative head within 48 hours of the incident.
- Inform the data subject affected as soon as reasonably possible, provided that this does not damage the rights and freedoms of others.
- Keep a data breach register to record the incident and the steps we take to regain security.
Dates to keep in mind
As many of you know, the United Kingdom has instituted a quarantine of 14 daysthat must be followed by you before the beginning of your courses.
Quarantine policy and rules
- You must self-isolate at the address you provided on the public health passenger locator form.
- Do not attend school.
- Do not use taxi services.
- Do not use public transport unless you have no other choice.
- Do not receive visitors including friends and family unless their help is essential.
- Do not go out to shop if it can be done by others or by delivery:you must have food and other necessities delivered by a specific service or friends and relatives that are not quarantining.
Anyone who breaches these mandatory conditions is liable to a fine of £1000 to £3200 or to prosecution.
You will find more information about how to self-isolate clicking here.
For NHS COVID-19 information click here.
Here link that allows you to register for a GP (General Practice Doctors prior your arrival in London.
Activities to do at home
Besides attending to your online course and doing the requested academic activities, you will have several online activities and events will be planned during the time that you are quarantining.
For the activities proposed by the British Government, you can view a list of virtual events. We strongly encourage you to get involved and stay active during your quarantine.
Your shopping online
Appendix 1: Temporary Covid-19 Addendum to the School Agreement
- Health and hygiene requirements
- I will check health every morning before I leave for school and will not go to school if I am displaying any symptoms of the coronavirus, no matter how mild.
- I will not go to school if any member of my household has displayed symptoms of the coronavirus in the last 14 days, unless that member of the household has had a negative result from a coronavirus test via the NHS/Public Health England.
- I will share details about a positive or negative coronavirus test result within my household with the school at the earliest possible opportunity to ensure effective track and tracing within the school community.
- I will ensure that emergency contact details are up to date on the school system.
- I will notify the school attendance team if I am unable to attend school on a scheduled day and specify the reason for absence i.e.
- Suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 (if you suspect you have coronavirus, you must get tested immediately)
- Unwell but not covid-19
- Advised to isolate by NHS test and trace
- Other
- I have to bring and wears a mask/face covering to school and carry my own bottle of hand sanitiser
- Travel to and from school
- I will follow the recommendations on transport to and from school.
- I will follow instructions from Transport for London about social distancing on public transport and the wearing/storing/disposal of face masks and limits contact with individuals outside my household, in line with the expectations set out by the Government.
- I understand that a failure to do so puts others at risk and brings the reputation of the School into disrepute and may result in a sanction.
- Parent/Carer cannot enter King StageCampus
If displaying any symptoms of coronavirus:
- Will only enter the School site with prior agreement of the school. Where an on-site meeting is necessary, only one parent or career will attend unless with prior agreement from the school.
- Behaviour of students on the school site
- I am aware of the Covid-19 School Rules (See appendix 2) and the importance of following these behaviours at all times.
- I understand that a failure to follow the Covid-19 School Rules may result in a sanction.
- I/we will support the school’s decision in relation to sanctions related to a failure to follow the Covid-19 School Rules.
- Online and home learning
- I will maintain a regular routine to complete online and home learning.
- I will contact subject teachers or Academic Director if I requires additional support.
- As staff at King StageLondon we agree to:
- Ensure that all health and safety compliance checks and risk assessments have been undertaken, are kept up to date and regularly reviewed.
- Organise classrooms and other learning environments to minimise the risk of infection transmission.
- Use the timetable and selection of classrooms or other learning environments to reduce movement around the school or building where possible.
- Stagger break/lunch times and the ending of the school day to reduce contact between year groups.
- Regular cleaning of the school in line with national protocols.
- Provide a safe, disciplined and happy environment in which all students can learn effectively.
- Be available to listen to and resolve concerns expressed by parents/carers and students.
- Consistently respond to students who are not following our Covid-19 Rules to ensure that the safety of the school community is upheld.
- Work to reduce the number of occasions students and staff mix together outside of their consistent group.
- Follow Covid-19 hygiene protocols.
- As a student of King Stage, I will:
- Follow the Covid-19 School Rules.
- Follow the Code of Conduct for Online Sessions.
- Maintain our social distancing responsibilities at all times.
Appendix 2: Covid-19 School Rules
- Student must be at school 15 minutes before the start of the lessons.
- Students will wear a mask when required to do so unless exempt.
- Students will wear their mask correctly.
- Students will follow our hygiene protocols.
- Upon arrival to school, all students should go straight to their allocated classroom and should keep their face covering.
- Students will enter classrooms promptly and sensibly minimising contact with other students whilst wearing their face coverings.
- Students must sit in their agreed seat within the seating plan and not moving from it without permission.
- Once seated, all students should sanitise their hands.
- Students must arrive at their allocated room at the allocated times.
- Students must be fully equipped for every lesson, and understand that they cannot share their school equipment.
- Students will wear a mask when moving around the building as and when required.
- Students must walk or cycle to school if at all possible.
- King Stagestudents do their utmost to ensure that the school is a safe place to learn. They consider others’ needs and the consequences of their own actions.
- Students should keep their distance from other students and staff to minimise the risk of infection.
- Students must always follow the one-way system in the corridors and on staircases and move with regard for the safety of others at all times.
Student, staff and partners of King Stage must abide by the aboveprotocols.
Other school's policies
All of our school’s policies can be found here.